Yard Waste Collection
Yard waste service is not changing. Please continue to use a 40 gallon or less garbage container for yard waste and follow the guidelines below. Your collection day for yard waste is located on the top of your garbage cart. Please do not use your garbage cart for yard waste.
- Loose materials such as pine needles, leaves and small twigs must be containerized in reusable garbage cans. Please do not bag yard waste.
- For the safety of our employees, branches and limbs can be no longer than 4 feet in length, 24 inches in diameter, less than 50 pounds in weight, and must be stacked uniformly within 5 feet of your curb.
- Hired landscaping, land clearing or tree trimming services must remove any vegetative waste they generate on residential and commercial properties. Per Brevard County Ordinance NO. 94-49.
Bulk Collection
Waste Management will collect bulk items at no additional charge. Up to four tires without rims will be collected curbside each year. Contact our Customer Service Department to schedule a bulk collection.
What is a bulk item? It’s an appliance, piece of furniture, or some other residential item that is too large for a container.
Construction and demolition (C&D) and Landclearing Debris
The actual generators and the owners of property where construction and demolition (C&D) debris or landclearing debris is generated are responsible for the proper removal and disposal. Exception, C&D debris generated on residential properties from a homeowner's do-it-yourself project, that can be placed in a solid waste receptacle or cut in lengths not to exceed four feet and not to exceed 50 pounds in weight, may be placed at the collection point for regular curbside collection. Brevard County code of Ordinances, Chapter 94-76.
To learn more about Waste Management’s dumpster in a bag, Bagster, visit here.
Electronic Recycling
Contact our Customer Service Department for electronic recycling including computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards and mice, scanners, printers, fax machines, stereos, radios, DVD/VCRs and televisions.
Household Hazardous Waste
Waste Management will not collect solid or liquid household hazardous waste. Examples include paint; pesticides, petroleum derivatives, such as motor oil and solvents, and explosive items. For information on disposing household hazardous waste, call (321) 635-7954 or
visit here.